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River Valley Times

New Small Business Micro-Grant Program Available

Aug 20, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Diann Rogers, CEO Rancho Cordova Chamber of Commerce

RANCHO CORDOVA, CA (MPG) - The Rancho Cordova Chamber of Commerce announced their Small Business Micro-Grant Program in response to COVID-19 pandemic. The Micro-Grant program is designed to offer support and encouragement to the City of Rancho Cordova’s small business community. Applications will be accepted until the grant funds are exhausted.

“Hundreds of small businesses call the City of Rancho Cordova home. Funds have been made available for small grants that allow us to assist some businesses to weather this COVID-19 pandemic” said Chamber Board Chair J. Scott Alexander of Murphy Austin Adams Schoenfeld LLP.  “On behalf of the Chamber Board, we are thrilled to be able to offer support to our business community in these challenging times.” 

The Chamber will distribute $10,000 in immediate relief in the form of micro-grant awards ranging between $50-$1,000 to local small businesses. The goal is to assist in keeping the doors open through and beyond COVID-19. A small micro-grant may well go a long way when a business is in need. 

Rancho Chamber Covid-19 Micro-Grant awards should be used to fund creative or simple ideas to help a small business respond to the impact COVID-19. Grant proposals should support projects, equipment/supplies, or other needs that have an immediate impact on employees, production, or serving customers, clients, and vendors. We ask the funds not to be used for salaries, rent, or rent-related items, mortgage, or lease payments. 

Micro-Grant applications will be accepted beginning August 12, 2020. Grants are one time only and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, provided the application meets eligibility requirements and award criteria. Grants will be awarded until funds are exhausted. Membership in the Rancho Cordova Chamber is not a requirement.

Micro-Grant criteria and application link can be found on the Chamber website Application:   Micro-Grant Application

For questions contact project manager, Sally Howard, at [email protected]