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River Valley Times

Thompson Votes to Pass COVID-19 Relief Package

Dec 22, 2020 12:00AM ● By Alex Macfarlane, Office of Congressman Mike Thompson

Includes Omnibus Spending Agreement through September 2021

WASHINGTON, DC (MPG) - Today Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-05) voted to pass H.R. 133, an end of year funding package that includes Coronavirus relief and an omnibus spending bill that funds the Federal government through September 30, 2021. A statement from Thompson is below.

“Today I voted to pass the latest round of Coronavirus relief funding, including both health care and economic response provisions. This bill was far from perfect and it is not commensurate to the magnitude of this crisis. It’s not nearly enough funding and does not include enough relief for our health care systems that are overwhelmed or the families, workers and small businesses that are struggling financially. The package does not include funding for state and local governments or aid to our restaurant industry.

“However, the bill does offer some relief and so it’s an important step in helping our nation respond to and recover from this pandemic. It includes critical aid to speed up COVID-19 vaccination rollout, support for our schools, funding for our struggling small businesses, and a desperately needed extension of the expanded unemployment insurance. I view this package as a bridge to a bigger agreement that we must pass in the coming months. Know that I will be working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and the President-elect to get more Coronavirus relief legislation passed as soon as we can in the 117th Congress.”

You can click here to read a summary of H.R. 133 and you can click here to watch a floor statement from Thompson in support of the bill.

Congressman Mike Thompson is proud to represent California’s 5th Congressional District, which includes all or part of Contra Costa, Lake, Napa, Solano and Sonoma Counties. He is a senior member of the House Committee on Ways and Means where he chairs the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures. Rep. Thompson is Chairman of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. He is also Co-Chair of the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Wine Caucus and a member of the fiscally-conservative Blue Dog Coalition.