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River Valley Times

Gate Security, Meeting Delay are RMA Topics

Dec 06, 2024 09:08AM ● By Gail Bullen River Valley Times Reporter

Director Chris Childs discusses the formation of a new committee aimed at exploring strategies to prevent trespassing behind the gates during the Rancho Murieta Association Board meeting on Nov. 19. Photo by Gail Bullen

RANCHO MURIETA, CA (MPG) - The Rancho Murieta Association Board’s monthly meeting on Nov. 19 focused on two primary topics: the formation of a committee to explore ways to enhance gate security and an announcement by Board President Scott Adams that he is stepping down as president.
Additional agenda items included approving the removal of an association-owned redwood tree despite objections from nearby residents and plans for constructing a new path at Riverview Park.
The board reconvened briefly two days later for the Annual Meeting and Election of Directors. General Manager Rod Hart informed the board that not enough ballots had been returned by property owners to meet the required 40% quorum. As a result, the board rescheduled the Annual Meeting for Dec. 12.
Under a new state law, the quorum requirement will decrease to 20% for the rescheduled meeting. The low ballot return for the Nov. 21 meeting was likely influenced by the uncontested election for two board seat openings, which will be filled by incumbents John Van Doren and Tom Reimers.
Directors Chris Childs and Reimers gained approval to form an ad hoc committee to explore options for enhancing security at both gates, particularly the North Gate, during the October board meeting. The gate’s layout has long allowed nonresidents to enter the community on foot or by bicycle, and the situation has recently been exacerbated by juveniles riding electric motorcycles.
“I, for one, have witnessed an electric motorcyclist go through the North Gate then literally pop wheelies all the way to the 11th Fairway,” Childs said.
Reimers noted that cyclists, often in groups of eight to 10, gather at the CSD parking lot “to go through the gates to go mountain biking on our trails.”
Childs said the Perimeter Security Ad Hoc Committee will also assess the fencing around the community. On the north side, non-residents have been bypassing the fence to go fishing, while on the south side, they are gaining access to the Frisbee park. He requested the board approve the appointment of three residents — Jim Moore, Ernie Cowles, and Greg Mason — to the committee.
The board unanimously approved the charter for the new committee and the three appointments with a 7-0 vote.
Adams further reported that the Rancho Murieta Country Club had deactivated 50 barcodes belonging to non-residents who are no longer members of the club.
Stepping Down
During his president’s report, Adams reflected on his tenure, reminding the board that when he was elected president two years ago, he committed to serving for one or two years. Now, after two years, he informed the board of his decision to step down.
“The community has elected some very talented and successful board members, and RMA will be in good hands with the next director who serves as president,” he said.
Adams appeared visibly moved as he expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve as president. 
“It’s been rewarding and challenging at the same time,” he said. “It has been very special for me to work with the board members and closely work with the person who has been so devoted to our community for decades."
“Rod Hart, in my opinion, is the best GM we’ve ever had in Rancho Murieta.”
Adams said he would continue to chair the Governing Documents Committee and remain actively involved in serving the community he loves for the remainder of his two-year term.
In response, Hart expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to work with the seven board members and reflected on the community's impact on his life over the past 47 years. “Thank you, Scott,” he said. “I’m in awe of your energy and compassion for the community.”
In Other Business: 
Hart and Director Patrick O’Hern outlined their opposition to automating two remote gates for use in an emergency evacuation. See the separate story in this issue on the same topic.
The board approved a recommendation from the Maintenance Committee to fell a redwood tree in a common area despite the objections of nearby residents. Maintenance Manager Troy Schaffner explained that the arborist had identified the tree as a hazard due to its roots are breaking concrete walkways and lifting up a garage floor.
The board also approved a Maintenance Committee recommendation to construct a new multi-use path at Riverview Park to provide better access to community and for maintenance. Schaffner estimated the material cost at $500 and  noted that maintenance employees would handle the construction.
Audience member Tom Shewchuk asked the board to approve the annexation of three lots from the Residences subdivision on Puerto Drive into RMA. Hart and Adams told him that his request was premature because RMA has not yet received plans from the developer.
Shewchuk also urged RMA to collaborate with CSD and the country club work together to optimize the community’s water management. 
Reimers, who chairs the Compliance Committee, said that RMA compliance officers had issued 102 citations in the past month while CSD officers issued two.
O’Hern, chair of the Architectural Review Committee, noted the committee had reviewed 20 staff-approved projects in October and eight so for in November, bringing the total to 217 projects reviewed this year.
Director Renee Bechthold, chair of Recreation Committee, announced plans for the annual holiday decorative lighting contests.  She said 50 prizes, consisting of a lawn sign and a $50 gift certificate will be awarded.
Due to the upcoming holidays, the board decided to move its next monthly meeting from Dec. 17 to Dec. 10. 
Additionally, they scheduled another meeting on Dec. 12 for a second attempt at holding the annual meeting. They also will meet again on Dec. 12, for a second attempt at an annual meeting.